
1 Visual Studio:

1.1 Subversion/AnkhSvn in Visual Studio

1.2 Other useful tools in Visual Studio:

2 Perforce:

3 Windows:

4 Outlook

5 Vim/GVim

6 Keyboard function keys under Linux

7 Make an Apple Keyboard more usable under Linux

Useful keyboard shortcuts

Visual Studio:

Subversion/AnkhSvn in Visual Studio

Other useful tools in Visual Studio:





See page about Vim

Keyboard function keys under Linux

In your .xbindkeysrc:
"amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 0; amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 1; amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 2"
"amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 0; amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 1; amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 2" XF86AudioLowerVolume
"amixer set Speaker toggle -c 0; amixer set Speaker toggle -c 1; amixer set Speaker toggle -c 2" XF86AudioMute
#"deadbeef --play-pause" #"exaile -t" "audacious -t" XF86AudioPlay
#"deadbeef --prev" #"exaile -p" "audacious -r" XF86AudioPrev
#"deadbeef --next- #"exaile -n" "audacious -f" XF86AudioNext
#"deadbeef --prev" #"exaile -p" "audacious -r" XF86Back
#"deadbeef --next- #"exaile -n" "audacious -f" XF86Forward
"eject -T" XF86Eject

Make an Apple Keyboard more usable under Linux


In /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf, to swap Al/Cmd and to have function keys by default:
options hid_apple swap_opt_cmd=1
options hid_apple fnmode=2

In your .xModmap:
! Apple keyboard
! F13 as Insert key
! F14 as PrintScr
! F15 as ScrollLock
! F16 as Pause/Break
!Depending on the keyboard, F13... will map to 182-184,93 or 191-194
!keycode 182 = Insert
!keycode 183  =  Print       Sys_Req
!keycode 184  =  Scroll_Lock
!keycode 93   =  Pause   Break
keycode 191 = Insert
keycode 192  =  Print       Sys_Req
keycode 193  =  Scroll_Lock
keycode 194   =  Pause   Break

In your .xbindkeysrc:
"audacious -t"
"~/Bin/" Control+Mod2 + F8
"amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 0; amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 1; amixer set Speaker 3%+ -c 2" F12
"amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 0; amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 1; amixer set Speaker 3%- -c 2" F11
"/opt/firefox/firefox" c:191
"/opt/firefox/firefox" XF86Launch6
#"codeblocks" #"codelite" "codelite" XF86Launch5

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email : Sly