
1 Maxima

2 Application Verifier

3 ObjectDock

4 Dropbox

5 Advanced search

6 Autokey

7 Swap pagefile on a Ramdisk in the memory Windows XP 32 bits is unable to see

8 Keyboard with weird setup of Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp and PageDown keys

9 Launchy

10 TaekWindow

Permanent link Maxima   

Maxima, a free Mathematica

Permanent link Application Verifier   

Application Verifier, a Microsoft tool to check/debug applications using the Windows memory manager.

Permanent link ObjectDock   


Permanent link Dropbox   

Dropbox: shared network drive

Permanent link Advanced search   

XSearch: hexadecimal or Unicode or UTF8 searches...

Permanent link Autokey   

AutoKey permet de scripter des séquences de commandes ou actions (lancement de programme, déplacement/redimensionnement de fenêtre, touches clavier, clic souris...) et d'automatiser pas mal de tâche.

Permanent link Swap pagefile on a Ramdisk in the memory Windows XP 32 bits is unable to see   

Permanent link Keyboard with weird setup of Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp and PageDown keys   

After my previous keyboard died, I've quickly bought a Microsoft Wired 500. Insert, Delete, Home and End keys are very awkwardly placed. To improve that, here's a registry file to swap Insert&Delete with Home&End, which feels more natural to me.
Explaination on what's going on and key codes list.

(I've since change keyboard again)

Permanent link Launchy   

Launchy to launch easily applications or documents by typing parts of their names (often one character is enough) .

Permanent link TaekWindow   

TaekWindow enables moving or resizing windows through Alt + a mouse button anywhere in the window - needless to aim at these very thin borders.
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email : Sly