
1 Ferrari Testarossa

2 Venturi

3 Alpine

4 Some really nice car videos

5 Top Gear videos

6 Pictures

Nice Sport Cars

What car would I love to own? An old Lotus Seven, an Alpine A110, or an Alpine A610. Not for the sport, as I'm not a pilot, plus I would not want to kill such grand'ma by pushing too much the engine. No, I'd love having such a car mainly for its look and its rarity - while still being reliable.
The A610 might have my preference for being more convenient in a family's every day life.

Permanent link Ferrari Testarossa   

This guy bought a crashed Ferrari Testarossa, and he and his father rebuilt it

Permanent link Venturi   

Venturi 300 Atlantique (copie locale)

Venturi 400 GT (copie locale)

Permanent link Alpine   

Alpine 610 biturbo


A110 Berlinette
(copie locale)
(copie locale)
(copie locale)

Alpine A610
(copie locale)

Photos d'Alpines en vrac

Ventes d'Alpines en France sur

Ventes d'Alpines en France (bis)

Alpine et le Berex

The US Alpine 310 Fan Club

Permanent link Some really nice car videos   

Videos I really love: nice cars, nice sound, nice performing videos. Videos I really hate: burns, stupid or dangerous.

Permanent link Top Gear videos   

Permanent link Pictures   

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email : Sly